There's so much that have been said about the "Great Health Effects of Walking". Walking and other kinds of exercise probably protect the heart and circulatory system by raising HDL, the good cholesterol, and keeping weight down. Experts suspect it may help prevent cancer by beneficial effects on the immune system and hormone levels, among other things. Walking also contributes to "regularity" which in turn reduces the risk of colon cancer. Studies are in the works to see if walking helps prevent breast cancer.

Water and exercise prevent colorectal cancer: Drink up and get moving, a study in Taiwan found 83% less colorectal cancer in men who exercise as opposed to sedentary men. They found no effect in women, but that may be because women in Taiwan are rarely sedentary as they do plenty of hard housework. Moderate exercise benefits the heart: You don't have to feel the burn. Just 30 minutes a day of walking brings as much risk reduction for heart attack as a high-intensity exercise program

So that's what I'm doing right now in this holy month of Ramadan... just walking, no running, in the gym or in the park. Someone said, "Encourage the ones you love to get out and walk regularly so they will be around longer."

Cheers to walking ~ stay healthy and stay on the trail!!
: )